See Also: Ballotpedia
Special Education and the Department of Justice
My child was illegally secluded and restrained by FCPS for approximately 9 years. As an advocate for strong special education reform, I want to build up the system instead of tearing it down. This means implementing proper de-escalation methods in general education and developing programs within FCPS that support special education students based on their diagnosis.
Empowered Teachers, Safe Schools
Teachers should be able to support their families with a livable wage, enabling them to work and teach locally. This means we need to compensate teachers for their education and expertise, which goes beyond reading and math. Social-emotional learning is also important. Additionally, we should share resources among the county to ensure safe schools and make valuable resources available to smaller communities.
Career Building Programs Build Strong Communities
Students should have the opportunity to learn a trade or attend college or university without incurring heavy debt. This will help us build a community of skilled workers in the future and stimulate the local economy. It also allows us to “grow our own” and give back to our community.
Protecting Policy 443
What kind of moral trauma are we leaving behind when we harm and even endanger our youth? School Policy 443 does not alienate parents; it simply protects teachers from being obligated to do more than they are qualified for. It also safeguards the autonomy of LGBTQ+ and transgender youth.
Charter Schools, School Vouchers
Charter schools are a viable selection when it is lottery-based but full educational voucher programs statistically cost tax-payers more in taxes as compared to the regular public school system. It also creates inequity among the community. (
Mental Health Services For Educators and Students
We need to understand that our society suffered great trauma as a result of the pandemic and we need to support our educators and students with better mental health services. If we support and bring in more government services to help, we can support behavior issues at the core and give our educators the tools to be mentally successful at school. Co-regulation and trauma-sensitivity creates calmer students.
Book Bans
Reading a book is not going to convince your child to change their core being. While it is important to monitor books in school for inappropriate content, banning books restricts students’ access to materials that could further their education and help them discover new interests. Books can also be good medicine for your mental health.
Social Media
Social media is a concern for children, and online education implementation has not been entirely successful. Whatever parents fear their children will learn from banned books, they are likely to learn even more on the internet. This leaves students vulnerable to bullying and predatory crimes. We should prioritize better protection for our children.